The first step in any Carbon management program is to assess your position, called a Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement (or Assertion) in the global Protocol and International Standard, also simply called a Carbon Footprint.
We help Australian companies to produce a Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement for their operation.
Carbon Intelligence brings a pragmatic, cost effective, business orientated approach to helping your organisation understand its Carbon position.
The international “>Protocol and Australia’s “>National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) separate emissions into three Scopes:
Scope 1 is the emissions you directly create, by for example burning fuel oil in an industrial boiler.
Scope 2 is the emissions you indirectly create, by for example using electricity that the electricity authority has burnt coal to generate.
Scope 3 is the other indirect emissions created by your activities, for example emissions from employee travel.
The Scopes are separated to avoid double counting emissions; for example between an electricity authority (Scope 1 emissions for the utility company at the power station) and the company consuming the electricity (Scope 2 for the consuming company).
Australia’s “>National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) calls for large emitters to report their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Scope 3 emissions must be included when making marketing claims, such as ‘Carbon Neutral’ or ‘120 gram Carbon’ on a bottle of imported water.
Carbon Intelligence can assist your organisation to determine your Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement in a number of ways.
We can
- Help you understand Greenhouse Gas Emission Statements and Scopes using information workshops or one-to-one discussions.
- Work with you to determine the Scopes to be measured, and create a project plan including partitioning the organisation into emitting segments (Sites).
- Help you understand what data needs to be collected at each Site, and how to manage this process in complex organisations.
- Accurately record all the relevant data so that it will meet developing Audit requirements. (We have been submitting advice to Government on the draft Audit regulations.)
- Issue you with a Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement certificate for each Site.
- Help you write your Carbon Disclosure Project Survey Response.
- Deploy software tools to turn the data into management information
- Training your people to do this process for you.
- In future, enable you to use specific software tools within your own organisation.
For more information on Greenhouse Gas Emission Statements,
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