
Market Claims

Companies often want to tell Stakeholders the good news about their Carbon position. 
But incorrect or ‘greenwashed’ information can lead to trouble.

Stakeholders including customers, global advocacy groups such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, regulatory authorities, and consumers probably all want to know your Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement.

But what they want to know differs. A regulatory authority usually wants to know the one entity they should charge for Carbon emissions, with no double counting. An investor wants to know total company exposure. And a consumer probably wants to know the total carbon embedded in the product and will react negatively to ‘we outsourced production so we are actually carbon neutral’ with the charge of: “green washing!”

How you separate the measures

The international GHG Protocol and Australia’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) separate emissions into three Scopes:
Scope 1 is the emissions you directly create, by for example burning fuel oil in an industrial boiler.
Scope 2 is the emissions you indirectly create, by for example using electricity that the electricity authority has burnt coal to generate.
Scope 3 is the other indirect emissions created by your activities, for example emissions from employee travel and bringing a product to market.

The Scopes are separated to avoid double counting emissions; for example between an electricity authority (Scope 1 emissions for the utility company at the power station) and the company consuming the electricity (Scope 2 for the consuming company); and between Scope 1 for a water bottle manufacturer and Scope 3 for the consumer of the bottled water.

Australia’s National Greenhouse Emissions Register (NGER) calls for large emitters to register their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

But Scope 3 emissions must be included when making marketing claims such as ‘Carbon Neutral’ or ‘120 gram Carbon’ on a bottle of imported water.  For consumer products a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is desirable. 

Carbon Intelligence can assist your Market Claim in a number of ways.

We can
- Help you understand what Market Claims might be possible.
- Let you know the steps to win the Market Claims you want. 
- Help you understand Greenhouse Gas Emission Statement Scopes and Life Cycle Analysis using information workshops or one-to-one discussions.
- Work with you to carry out a Life Cycle Analysis of your product. 
- Work with you to determine the Scopes to be measured, and create a project plan including partition the organisation into emitting segments (Sites).
- Help you understand what data needs to be collected at each Site, and how to manage this process in complex organisations.
- Accurately record all the relevant data so that it will meet developing Audit requirements. (We have been submitting advice to Government on the draft Audit regulations.)
- Deploy software tools to turn the data into management information.
- Reporting to you what marketing claims you could make.
- Preparing and Lodging any applications necessary to secure your Market Claims.
- Training your people to do this process for you.
- In future, enable you to use specific software tools within your own organisation.

Our team has already undertaken such market claims analysis for Australian companies.
Carbon Intelligence brings a pragmatic, cost effective, business orientated approach to helping your organisation understand its Carbon position.

For more information on Market Claims,
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