
Carbon Intelligence

Know the Facts
about your Carbon position
about your regulatory position
about the Carbon market. 

Be Intelligent
in your response to the
challenges and opportunities
that carbon reporting and
the carbon market bring.


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) held in Paris in December 2015 adopted a resoution to reduce carbon output “as soon as possible” and for all 195 countries to do their best to keep global warming “to well below 2 degrees C”.

The Australian Federal Government has conducted the second auction of the Emissions Reduction Fund, the centrepiece of its Direct Action Plan for the control of Carbon emissions in Australia, and has repealed the Clean Energy Future legislative package with the last Carbon Tax payments made in February 2015.

Our People

Carbon Intelligence’s people have extensive experience in emissions reporting, management and reduction – on a technical, environmental, organisational, legal and commercial level.

Our consultants work with you to find the most intelligent response to the new Carbon requirements and opportunities, to yield the best possible business outcome for your organisation, through the use of skilled consultants and technology.

We operate under strict guidelines of honesty and integrity ensuring your company, and only your company, is fully aware of its options.

We use Standards and methodologies that have already been used with success by the world’s leading businesses.

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